Saturday, 29 October 2016

Urbanomics: Universal Health Insurance for India

I'm confused. Do you have to pay the deductible before the copay kicks in? So, for example, I'd have to pay $1000 

before the 

<a href="" alt="Health Insurance"> Health Insurance</a> would 

help me... at all??

Friday, 28 October 2016

Cheap as chips: Buying German car insurance

Cheap as chips: Buying German car insurance

I have a  question, if I have a car and  I get a second one, the price of my current insurance increase,decrease or stays the same when I get one more car???

<a href="" alt="Auto Insurance"> Auto Insurance</a> would help me... at all??

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Trump Recording: What He Traded ?

American presidential election is approaching, and Trump controversies are also. After on airing the controversial recording from the presidential candidate, the outrageous backlash is further intensified from trump opponents.
Here is the question arises, if such type of person is going to be American president so what will be the future of America and the notion of women rights? Alarming issue is that these people are going to take oath on US constitution (if elected) and the constitution provides clear and easy to understand rights plus guidelines about privacy as well as people rights. Hence, if such type of issue and attitudes persists so is it expected that next Mirinda amendment is going to be happened soon? please note, Mirinda amendment  is considered as the violation of basic US constitution.
Despite, Trump admitted his fault and accepted that he is not perfect and yes he is, so why he was acting like a superman in his electoral campaign. Though trump admits his wrongdoings, but is it the only cure? What about those who suffered, what about those ladies who targeted and where the champion of basic human rights? Are they afraid to arrange or log any protest against this giant beast who was eroding human and ethical values under the hood of racism and vulgarity? Here is no any need to further ditto his insane wording that are obvious violation of ethical values.
Another issue that should be raised is that, as we all are the human being, what will be the effect of such type of Trump recording things on teen and toddlers, what type of image will they draw about these ill-mannered people who try to pose as the leader?
A supporter of Trump follower may say that it is planned controversy from trump rivals, but they can't deny the reality that is being projected on media, globally. So, a question must ask with the trump, what he traded in term of racism and hated disputes?

Showdown on Desktop: an OS saga

Rivalries among OS (operating system) is dated back phenomenon since the innovation of different OS but that intensity is further boomed when different vendors jumped on that bandwagon. By the passage of time, chrome, windows, and others kept introducing different user-friendly features to expand their clientele.
Hence, it is the big dilemma for desktop users, which OS will work better for them. Despite, Microsoft and Mac achieved several milestones during their OS development journey, but Linux and Chrome OS both gained typical user attention and it is obviously the big threat for both Microsoft and Mac. Another surprising factor is that Google seems very enthusiastic to make its operating system more flexible and ready for general users than to just focus on typical ones like Linux.
Despite, Chrome and Mac did several changes with the addon of serial updates but still Windows seems in dominant position because of its easy upgradable options, easy to use features and global accessibility at economical prices. Windows is also very friendly with different hardware and workable with range of accessories. However, its rapid system updates  are very confusing and create difficulties for those who face low-disk volume. While Mac operating system is user-friendly and compatible with iPhones and iPads. Surprisingly, Mac computers can handle Windows operating system without any big glitches.
However, it is also the fact that Mac OS is comparatively very expensive than Windows OS and it is the key reason of its low selling volume.  It should be noted that former Mac OS were compatible with all Apple computers but later on buying Apple machine loaded with licensed Mac OS is the only option for a user. While Chrome OS is in developing phase and it is lightweight and very inexpensive but its limited storage capacity keeps haunting its users. Besides, its not easily compatible with all accessories and this OS is much dependable on its developed tools. A unique aspect of that Chrome OS is, it is web based and keep interacting with the internet. Hence, this OS is ideal for those who live their lives on the web. But obviously, it is the bad aspect for offline users.
The pros and cons debate for different OS could go further but to be precise, it is obvious that Window OS seems in dominant position because of its user-friendly and easy to access features.

Boom to Burst: Samsung Galaxy Note 7

After series of disasters, Samsung recalled its flagship device that is obviously the huge backdrop for Samsung because such type of issue was unpredictable and no one can imagine that such type of bad factor will reside inside this cutting edge mobile device.
"Stop using your device, back up your data and switch it off," is the Samsung[s official statement that seems astonishing but it is a fact that this Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was catching fire, not in cash inflows but physically in use status. 
However, it is still the big question, why this cutting edge device heated up and did Samsung not do some quality check before launching? In other words, is it true Samsung lust to beat-up its rivals is the cause of such type of defected device launching?
There are series of other questions that are still unanswered by the Samsung, but tech junkies are not ready to sit silently; according to some sources, there was manufacturing fault inside the new flagship device, and when fun phone operate, it system was producing huge pressure on the plates that were contained battery cells. However, it is one of the cause, according to Samsung official, "The defect was revealed when several contributing factors happened simultaneously, which included sub-optimized assembly process that created variations of tension and exposed electrodes due to insufficient insulation tape." So it was the key cause of failure. 
Here, it should be noted that battery manufacturers are forced to develop such type of batteries that can produce as much capacity as possible but within the limited size so in a simple way, it could be summarized in that way, if some one has a loose paper role and want to use it continuously.
Besides, it is also reported; galaxy notes 7 caught fire during charging, not usual operating mode. It is also evident that this device exploded when phone left charging for a long period.
However, what is the reason behind that conspiracy theory, if you are using that galaxy note, you should return your device either it is in safety mode or not.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

The Rothschilds control Gold, Silver, Israel, Palestine, Shell oil and much more

The Rothschilds control Gold, Silver, Israel, Palestine, Shell oil and much more

Controversial attitudes, bitter politics, ill desires to control the world and inhuman activities are core criticisms that are entangled with Jews since decades rather centuries. Due to their overwhelming power over the global wealth, Jews are considered as one of the highly controversial but dominant nation.
In the perspective of Jews’ power over the world, Rothschilds is one of the organizations or group that accumulated more than $100 trillion and this figure is still multiplying. According to the Balfour declaration during 1917, Jewish Homeland (Israel) is not just a country but a headquarter of Rothschilds that is to control the global oil supplies and wealth dictatorially. According to the historical logs, Baron Edmond de Rothschild is the chief founder of Israeli Central Bank and Israel.
By the passage time, Rothschilds further spread its wings and took control of Shell Petroleum, BHP Billiton, Bank of America, etc. while it is the major shareholder in Bank of England. On the other side, Rothschilds also did accord with different Middle East countries to gain access in that region to protect its monopoly.
Besides, Rothschilds keeps interfering in the global politics to ensure the power balance in its favor. Its Controversial Business Roundtable alliance is founded by Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner, and both persons were funded by Rothschilds via Cambridge University grants. It should be noted that Rhodes is also the founder of Standard Chartered Bank. But these all accusations were not the final goal of Rothschilds but just temporary milestones.
According to UK Intelligence officer, “Round Tablers armed with immense wealth from gold, diamond, and drug monopolies fanned out throughout the world to take control of fiscal and monetary policies and political leadership in all countries where they operated.” Besides, Rothschilds is also keenly engaged to strengthen and sustain Jewish influence inside the US Army, and now it is using US Army as a personal security force to protect its wealth. Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) that is British-based organization is the baby of Rothschild and alluring fact is that US Council of Foreign Affairs is also sponsored by RIIA.
Therefore, after discussing some selected facts and info, this statement, “Rothschilds control Gold, Silver, Israel, Palestine, Shell oil and much more” is hardly deniable.

Article By Salman Mansoor

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Business in China

China’s PM, made a big promise to the world’s leading businessmen at the World Economic Forum’s annual gathering in Davos in January 2015. It was that China would introduce a new legal regime for foreign investment that would “treat Chinese and foreign companies as equals”. Its government has duly unveiled a set of revisions to its foreign-investment laws that come into force on October 1st. The standing committee of the National People’s Congress adopted the laws earlier this month and bureaucrats have drafted detailed rules. The revisions, and the extent to which they fulfil Mr Li’s grand pledge, are an important indicator of how serious the government is about pursuing other initiatives to liberalise rules on foreign investment.
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