Wednesday, 5 October 2016

The Rothschilds control Gold, Silver, Israel, Palestine, Shell oil and much more

The Rothschilds control Gold, Silver, Israel, Palestine, Shell oil and much more

Controversial attitudes, bitter politics, ill desires to control the world and inhuman activities are core criticisms that are entangled with Jews since decades rather centuries. Due to their overwhelming power over the global wealth, Jews are considered as one of the highly controversial but dominant nation.
In the perspective of Jews’ power over the world, Rothschilds is one of the organizations or group that accumulated more than $100 trillion and this figure is still multiplying. According to the Balfour declaration during 1917, Jewish Homeland (Israel) is not just a country but a headquarter of Rothschilds that is to control the global oil supplies and wealth dictatorially. According to the historical logs, Baron Edmond de Rothschild is the chief founder of Israeli Central Bank and Israel.
By the passage time, Rothschilds further spread its wings and took control of Shell Petroleum, BHP Billiton, Bank of America, etc. while it is the major shareholder in Bank of England. On the other side, Rothschilds also did accord with different Middle East countries to gain access in that region to protect its monopoly.
Besides, Rothschilds keeps interfering in the global politics to ensure the power balance in its favor. Its Controversial Business Roundtable alliance is founded by Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner, and both persons were funded by Rothschilds via Cambridge University grants. It should be noted that Rhodes is also the founder of Standard Chartered Bank. But these all accusations were not the final goal of Rothschilds but just temporary milestones.
According to UK Intelligence officer, “Round Tablers armed with immense wealth from gold, diamond, and drug monopolies fanned out throughout the world to take control of fiscal and monetary policies and political leadership in all countries where they operated.” Besides, Rothschilds is also keenly engaged to strengthen and sustain Jewish influence inside the US Army, and now it is using US Army as a personal security force to protect its wealth. Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) that is British-based organization is the baby of Rothschild and alluring fact is that US Council of Foreign Affairs is also sponsored by RIIA.
Therefore, after discussing some selected facts and info, this statement, “Rothschilds control Gold, Silver, Israel, Palestine, Shell oil and much more” is hardly deniable.

Article By Salman Mansoor

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